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" Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes. "

Dear, Joon Gi Oppa....
Wednesday | 1 comments

What can I say... 
You have incredible talent ... 

Promise me that when this moment’s over and we meet again 
That we can put everything in the past and stand by each other  

This is what we call fate, it’s something we can’t deny
Will I ever experience another day as glorious as today? 

You’re a gift upon this exhausting path of life 
I’ll continuously wash and shine our love so it won’t rust away 
Our meeting was short like a drunken affair, but it was real 

Even though this cannot last, I won’t resent it because nothing is forever 
This is what we call fate, it’s something we can’t deny 
Will I ever experience another day as glorious as today? 

There’s so much i want to say, but you probably already know 
When we meet again some time in the future
Please don’t let go again 
The love we couldn’t have in this life 
The fate we couldn’t live in this life  

When we meet again some time in the future 
Please don’t let go of me....



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