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" Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes. "

Friday | 2 comments
Wah.., kemarin ternyata tanggal 21 April, yang di Indonesia berarti peringatan Hari Kartini. Kartini dikenal sebagai pahlawan yang memperjuangkan emansipasi wanita, kebebasan mengemukakan pendapat dan kesetaraan derajat serta hak antara kaum wanita dengan pria. Kartini adalah sosok pelopor kebangkitan kaum perempuan pribumi.

Kartini dan suami.

Born in April 21, 1879 in Jepara, Kartini is known a national heroine for women's rights in Indonesia. Being born into aristocratic Javanese family in a time when Java was still part of the Dutch colony, she got the privilege of going to school until she was 12 years old (education was only allowed for the rich and the aristocrats at that time). Then, she was secluded at home, a common practice among Javanese nobility, to prepare young girls for their marriage.

During the seclusion, she educated herself by reading and writing (she had several Dutch pen friends). After her marriage to the Rembang regent, she opened a school to educate the girls. She had wanted to write a book, but she died at the age of 25, a few days after delivering her baby. Letters between her and her pen friend Rosa Abendanon was put into a book, titled Door Duisternis tot Licht (Out of Dark Comes Light). Read more in Wikipedia.

In 1964, President Soekarno declared April 21 as Kartini Day. Back then, schools usually told students to wear traditional Javanese clothes, which I found as a weird way to celebrate the birth of an intellectual and activist.

well, Selamat Hari Kartini. Semoga para wanita Indonesia dapat lebih menjadi sosok yang cerdas, mandiri dengan tidak melupakan kodratnya sebagai seorang perempuan yang sesungguhnya...amiinnn

source :,google,wikipedia


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